Spring message to all old students of Lymm Grammar School, Lymm Oughtrington High School and Lymm High School
Dear All,
Although many duties and formalities of the OS A have been scaled down, the Committee still meets regularly to keep our Association running smoothly.. Since the AGM in September, the Committee has met on three occasions. At each meeting there has been a '50 Club' draw. Those of you in the'Club'will know we have a 'Bumper Draw' once a year and five Ordinary Draws to distribute a total of £500 in prize money.
Our general expenses are reduced, but we have of course, to cover running costs including our website subscription.The Committee have been considering actively the possibility of a new IT project. This concerns the 'burning' all our School and Old Students magazines on to CD or DVD so that any Old Student would be able to purchase a copy for their personal files. (At very reasonable price, we would hope!). Our research has revealed that technically this will be a fairly difficult project as the number of pages (various sizes and print quality) involved, amounts to approximately 2500 and may have to be done professionally. If anyone out there has any professional involvement in data transfer of this kind, please get in touch for details.
The Rambling Group continues to thrive and meets for its walks on the last Sunday in each month. As customary, a rambling weekend is organised each year. This year's trip was to Wales and a most enjoyable weekend was spent in Llandudno in March.
The Rambling programme for the next twelve months, which appears later in this message, has been organised by Ann Dutton,. In addition, this year, Ruth Brown has organised some garden visits.
On the 22 nd October 2003, the Annual Golf Competition was held at Warrington Golf Club and. on the same day, we instituted our first Bowls Competition at the Saracen's Head pub. In the evening, the two groups of players plus partners and friends combined to attend the Presentation and Dinner at the Golf Club.
Further info on the dates and venues for 2004 Competitions follow on in this message.
Old Students Prizes
In December, Committee Member, Mike Olver represented the Association at the School Certificate Presentation Evening. He presented the Old Students' Prizes and also the Henry Collin Cricket Cup which was won for the second year by Andrew Roberts.
There have been three' year reunions' (1972, 1980, 1956) during the last twelve months . These were organised separately by members of the years concerned. On 23 rd .April leavers from 1956 met at the Hanover Hotel, Stretton. I was fortunate enough to attend this one, (I was in my first year of teaching at Lymm when they were in the Upper 6 th ). Over ninety people attended the function, which was most enjoyable and interesting. Everyone had a wonderful time and all were indebted to the organisation of a small hard-working committee, in particular to Robert(Bob)Lloyd, who had worked tirelessly in an attempt to trace contemporaries.
If you require further information on any OS A events or activities, please e-mail or write to me.(please enclose a SAE).
Let us know any news!
Best wishes to everyone from all the Committee,
Monica Connor
8 Staines Close, Appleton, Warrington.WA4 5NP
e-mail moncon@ntlworld.com
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