When the Newsletter went to press in April 2001 we had no
plans for our Annual Golf Competition. Not until August did
we have an offer to organise it. We were very pleased to accept
the gesture from Nev. Morral, who is Secretary at Warrington
Golf Club. Nev was at the School in the late fifties - you
may remember his athletic prowess!
It was late notice but we did circulate our regulars. It
was necessary to book a Society Day at the club and it was
fixed for Wednesday, 31st. October.
Unfortunately only ten golfers took part.
Until the end of October the weather had been pleasant and
mild, but on 31st. October Winter came! It was very cold,
pretty windy and there were a lot of leaves about. Conditions
were certainly not ideal for golf but, as always, someone
manages to conquer the elements.
We were delighted that Nev Morral took the trophy with 37
points which was, on the day a wonderful score. Dick Irons
took the Visitors' Prize.
Following the Competition twenty two of us enjoyed a very
tasty meal and enjoyed a splendid evening in the Clubhouse.
In the absence of the President, the prizes were presented
by Jim Brocklehurst.
Jim was delighted with the trophy winner, and made reference
to his pal at school (LGS 1926-31) who was no other than the
father of Nev Morral!
This year's competition is to be held at Warrington Golf
Club on Wednesday, 2nd October, 2002.
Teeing Off between Noon and 2pm.
The inclusive cost for Dinner and Golf will be £30
The cost for anyone wishing to join the group for Dinner (
and all are welcome) will be £10
Please send your entry to:
Mr N. Morral, Warrington Golf Club., London Rd. Warrington.
by 10th Sept.
Cheques made payable to Warrington Golf Club.
Please enclose a S.A.E and your tel. no.
(If you would like more information on the Golf & Golf
Dinner later on in the Summer please notify Nev. and enclose
a S.A.E. for your reply.)
A golfer smiles and swings under all difficulties!