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YReunion Website

Births / Marriages / Deaths


Henry Brown Collin,1907 - 2001

James Graham Brocklehurst, 1915 - 2002

Geoffrey Gamble
We were so sorry to hear recently of Geoff's death in 1999.

Teresa Flanagan.
We were saddened to learn of the death of Teresa, younger sister of Maurice, Marie and Terence. As a young teacher, Teresa went to Brentwood Ursuline Convent in Essex and remained there for 44 years. For several years she was Head of the Primary Division where she was loved and highly respected by all at the Convent as an excellent teacher and devout Christian. Teresa was 65 and started at Lymm as a pupil in 1948. (How pleased we were to see her at the 48ers' Reunion in 1998).


Heather Brierley to Paul Glover


Boucher To David and Nicola (Thornbury), a daughter

Spencer To David and Vanessa (Brierley), a daughter


Maxine Boucher to Mike Bowness


Our congratulations to Ken and Ruth Joynson, who celebrated their Golden Wedding in 2001. Ken is still a District Councillor and a member of the East Midlands Assembly. His brother David has now retired from Pilkingtons.

Neil Lewis enjoys visiting the OSA Website and is a supporter of the '50 Club'. He is looking forward to reading Newsletter 2002.
This will as always, provide a link which bridges the years and unites students of all eras.

Peter Moss (1939-45) recalls time spent in the School's air raid shelters, listening to someone playing the mouth organ, and doing some 'plane spotting too! He points out that there is always something of interest in the Newsletter, if only in the obituaries, where he looks first these days. He asks that the dates that people attended the school should be included where known. Often initials mean nothing to a surname when you recall a nickname like 'Rusty' Green or 'Moonface'.

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Newsletter 2002
· Newsletter Reminder

· President's Letter

· Memories of Henry

· Golf 2002

· Memorial Walk

· Old Students Fifty Club

· Rambling Programme 02/03

· Future of the OSA

· Certificate Evening

· Road to Southend Pier

· Reflections

· Births/Marriages/Deaths

· AGM 2002

· 1967 School Intake celebrate reunion


Page last updated: Thursday, 2 May, 2002
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