The annual Lymm Festival will take place between Thursday 30 June and Sunday 10 July 2005.
Now recognised as one of the largest combined arts festivals in Cheshire, the Festival will provide a mix of familiar events and new additions to the programme. Last year several new events proved to be so popular that they will be repeated, including the Scarecrow Trail and an Art in the Garden exhibition. As usual the Festival will burst into action with the Street Fun and Food Fest on Thursday 30 June, and there will be the extremely popular Festival Picnic at Lymm Hall on Saturday 9th July. In between there will be music of all kinds from classical to jazz, blues and folk, comedy, drama, poetry, storytelling, dance, visual arts, creative writing, photography and many other events provided by the best of local talent and by visitiors invited to take part in the Festival from further afield.
"This year will be my fifth year as Festival Director, and I am proud to be a part of the team which has seen it grow into something very special in that time. The community have really taken the event to their hearts and it has a momentum all of it's own" commented Honor Giles. "The Lymm Festival, along with all the other unique celebrations which take place in the village during the year, help the community keep its identity and must be a source of pride to long term residents and newcomers alike."
The Festival committee are always keen to hear of new ideas for Festival events, and from people who are willing to spare some time to helping in any way. Please contact Honor Giles on 01925 758856
For any event changes please keep
an eye on the STOP PRESS section
2004 Festival Website updates |
Website last updated: 15 October, 2004 9:59 AM |
festival celebrating the arts and the environment of Lymm, Cheshire
Each year the pretty Cheshire village of Lymm celebrates the multitude
of talent possessed by members of the community and welcomes artists
and performers from further afield who help to make the Festival
extra special.
This year we have all the ingredients that have made the Festival so successful in the past, with concerts, exhibitions and many other events featuring local organisations and individuals. We also have some new events that we hope have given the wider community a chance to develop their creativity and skills and have some fun at the same time, such as the Scarecrow Trail and the Sculpture Garden exhibition.
It is with great delight that the Festival welcomes two well-established and greatly respected National companies to provide very special treats for the community. Firstly, the Manchester Camerata Ensemble, based at the Bridgewater Hall, which tours throughout Britain and Europe, and secondly Oddsocks, a touring theatre company which, using an intriguing stage wagon, puts on outdoor performances of hilarious family entertainment.
supporting the events, you will be making your own contribution
to celebrating the essence of Lymm as a place to live or a place
to visit. We hope that you enjoy the Festival and all the wonderful
experiences it has to offer.
Special Thanks go to:
Ken and Steff at Stephanie’s, the Florist, and John Parry
and Ann Scales at the Rushgreen Service Station for Box Office services.
Our sponsors, advertisers and all those who donated prizes or loaned
Our special Festival Supporters; Lymm Parish Council, Friends of
Lymm Festival, Arts Council of England (North West) Awards for All,
Warrington Borough Council Arts Services and the Cottrill Family
of Lymm Hall.
Our invaluable helpers - the many kind and committed volunteers
who steward events, help set up and dismantle equipment, run the
box-office, and generally ensure that all goes well.
The Festival Management Committee – who have worked all year
round, with great commitment and good humour, to make the Festival
here to enter the 2004 Lymm Festival Photographic Competition
Lymm Lines, creative writing at the Lymm Festival, this year
takes the form of a competition for writers of all ages on the theme,
Castles In The Air.
Click here to enter Lymm
Lines Creative Writing Competition
For further information contact Festival Director Honor Giles on
01925 758856 or email
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