Please note!
Members will have received their last mailed circular from the
Association. If you have information for the website please send
it to me by email or through the post (typed if possible). After
May we expect the website to become more active. Small items can
be placed on the Bulletin Board -
it is up to you to make the effort. If you have a specific query,
send an email or write to me (you must include a SAE) and one
of our small committee will try to reply.
Hon. sec. Monica Connor, 8 Staines Close, Appleton, Warrington.
WA4 5NP email address; moncon@ntlworld.com
OSA website:
Using the Discussion Forums
If you would like to communicate with other Old Students, the
best method is using the Discussion Forums.
You don't need to register either, simply go the forums by clicking
here then click on either of the forums.
Once inside a forum you can view previous topics from other users,
or if you like, add your own. To do this click the 'New Topic'
button and add details about yourself or the message you want
to share. Then click the 'post topic' button.
That's it! - you've started your new topic to the outside world.
If you want to reply to someone elses message, simply click the
'reply' button.
You can, if you wish, register a username and password, this
will give you more features such as 'Private Messaging', plus
the ability to edit your own profile.
Visit the forums now, click here.
If you have any problems with the discussion forums, email james@lymm.net