l'Image 2006


    Categories and Notes
  1. "Motion":  This is a fairly broad category, and can cover a wide range of subjects. Obvious ones would be

    Busy Baci by K. Balcerak
    Sports photography, Dance, and long exposure night shots. It would also cover flowing water, animals in motion, or anything which gives a sense of movement.

  2. "At Work in Rural Lymm": Carol Sparkes
    Lymm@Work:  Any commercial, trade or industrial activity taking place in a recognisable local context.

  3. Travel:  Rather than 'picture postcard' shots of familiar locations,

    "Snowy Day in Prague": Robyn Cotton
    the organisers and judges will be looking for unusual interpretations of landscapes or people elsewhere in the UK or abroad. Basically - be creative, be different!.
  4. Creative:  Where the final image has been achieved through techniques which radically change the appearance of the original subject in front of the camera in terms of tone, form or colour either during the original exposure or during production of the post-exposure image. This may include composites of several images.
  5. Monochrome Print:  Black and White or Sepia image.
  6. Junior (under 18)  - Any Subject
  7. (Young people may enter the general competitions as well)

*Note: Any entries where children are the main subject it is advisable to obtain a disclaimer signed by a responsible parent or guardian, giving their consent for the image to be exhibited. Appropriate forms can be obtained from the organisers. In group images where there may be several parents the consent of each is required.

Judging and Prizes

Judging will take place during the course of the Festival

There will be certificates and prizes in the form of gift vouchers (see below)for first place in each category, with cassettes of film for the runners-up. An overall award may also be made at the Judges discretion.

Special Prizes: There will be three special prizes (1) A 'People's Prize' voted for by visitors to the exhibition, (2) the 'Village Prize' for the best entry from a Lymm resident and (3) the 'Festival Prize' for the image which most impresses the competition organiser(s).

Award  1st   2nd
General (except Monochrome) £20.00 £5.00
General (monochrome) £25.00 £10.00
Junior £15.00 £5.00
Overall Award (Discretionary) £30.00 
People's Prize £10.00 
Village Prize £15.00 
'Festival' Prize £10.00 

Copyright: The winning photographs may be exhibited on the Lymm Festival Website and published in 'Lymm Life' etc.. Entry to the competition will be regarded as permission for the images to be used for this purpose. The photographer will be credited.

You can help to promote the competition by downloading the 2006 poster. Print it out an display in your Camera Club, workplace, local hostelry etc.

Introduction    Categories & Prizes    Rules & Contacts    Lymm Festival Home Page
Winners 2005    2004    2003