Held in the Village Hall, Pepper Street at 7.45pm for 8pm.
(further details from Programme Secretary H Unsworth 01925 860155)
New Members welcome. Annual Subscription £15, includes free entry to all meetings.
Visitors welcome £2. All members and visitors must sign in on arrival.
February 26 |
AGM & talk on India by |
Mike Hems |
March 26 |
Queyras - Regional Park of the High Alps |
Ken Lewis |
April 30 |
Waders and Wildfowl in the North-west |
Charles Owen |
May 28 |
Plant Hunting around the World |
Sheena Hesketh |
June/July |
No Meetings |
August 27 |
Vultures on the Edge |
Graham Bessant |
September 24 |
Birding in the Isle of Avalon |
Mike Roberts |
October 29 |
Costal Wildlife |
Ken Green |
November 26 |
Wildlife of the Pennines |
Gordon Yates |
December(TBA) |
Christmas Party, Raffle and Cryptic Bird Quiz (tickets £10) |
(TBA) = to be announced |
FIELD TRIPS (to book contact Field Secretary S Miles 01925 818331)
January 24 Wigan Flashes
February 21 North wirral Coast
March 28 RSPB Marshside
April 25 Gowy Meadows
May 29 Norfolk
June/JulyAugust Local walks (TBA)
September (TBA) Hale and Pickering's Pasture
October (TBA) Lindisfarne
November (TBA) Leighton Moss
December (TBA) Moore Nature Reserve
(TBA) = to be announced
In addition we have monthly informal bird survey walks in Lymm and this is a good introduction to our bird watching group. Our route takes in the best bird habitats and lasts about 2 hours.
We meet outside the Library, Davies Way at 10am on the first Wednesday of the Month.
Further details from R Unsworth 01925 752251.