Lymm Net

Lymm Ornithology Group



Held in the Village Hall, Pepper Street at 7.45pm for 8pm.

(further details from Programme Secretary H Unsworth 01925 860155)

New Members welcome. Annual Subscription £15, includes free entry to all meetings.

Visitors welcome £2. All members and visitors must sign in on arrival.

February 26 AGM & talk on India by  Mike Hems
March 26  Queyras - Regional Park of the High Alps  Ken Lewis
April 30    Waders and Wildfowl in the North-west  Charles Owen
May 28 Plant Hunting around the World Sheena Hesketh
June/July No Meetings  
August 27   Vultures on the Edge Graham Bessant
September 24  Birding in the Isle of Avalon Mike Roberts
October 29  Costal Wildlife Ken Green 
November 26  Wildlife of the Pennines Gordon Yates
December(TBA)  Christmas Party, Raffle and Cryptic Bird Quiz (tickets £10) (TBA) = to be announced

FIELD TRIPS (to book contact Field Secretary S Miles 01925 818331)

January 24     Wigan Flashes           
February 21    North wirral Coast
March 28        RSPB Marshside
April 25        Gowy Meadows
May 29         Norfolk
June/JulyAugust     Local walks (TBA)
September (TBA)    Hale and Pickering's Pasture
October (TBA)    Lindisfarne
November (TBA)    Leighton Moss
December (TBA)    Moore Nature Reserve

(TBA) = to be announced

In addition we have monthly informal bird survey walks in Lymm and this is a good introduction to our bird watching group. Our route takes in the best bird habitats and lasts about 2 hours.
We meet outside the Library, Davies Way at 10am on the first Wednesday of the Month.
Further details from R Unsworth 01925 752251.


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Page last updated: Friday, 16 April, 2010