Lymm Net

Lymm Desktop Wallpaper

Brighten up your computer desktop with one of Lymm Net's wallpapers.

We have two wallpapers for you to choose from. Here's the instructions for getting the image on your desktop:

  1. Decide which image you would prefer
  2. Click the appropriate size for your computer's resolution, if you're unsure what size screen you are running click the 1024 x 768 option.
  3. The image will open in a new window, once the image has finished loading right click the image and go to 'set as wallpaper'.
  4. Ta Da! You now have a Lymm backdrop on your computer desktop.

If it doesn't fit on your screen properly, you may have chosen the wrong link, try clicking 800x600 instead.

Lymm Cross


800 x 600

1024 x 768


Lower Dam


800 x 600

1024 x 768






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Page last updated: Thursday, 13 January, 2005