Lymm boasts many
fine historical features ; Victorian entrepreneurs made
a big impression on the area when the London and North Western Railway
was opened in 1853. This was much used by passenger traffic but
by the early 1960s reverted to goods only and finally closed about
1989.The old track has been converted to a footpath and is now part
of the Trans Pennine Trail. The Victorians were also responsible
for the famous Manchester Ship Canal opened in 1894 , a major engineering
acheivement, which skirts the village to the north.
the canal that made the biggest impact to Lymm came much earlier
in the 1770s. The Duke of Bridgewater needed to transport coal from
the north in Worsley and a cut was commenced in 1759.The plans for
this split the village in two but nowadays it provides a picturesque
backcloth to village life and narrow boats cruise leisurely up and
down or linger to sample the pleasures of the fine pubs and restaurants.
The most recognisable hall mark and the centre
of the village is The Cross which is based on ancient steps carved
out of the natural red stone and worn with age. Four stone pillars
support this distinctive landmark which some believe dates back
to the 14th century or possibly more recently to the 17th century.This
would have been the place for public meetings and was also where
the stocks were placed as a means of primitive summary justice.
The other distinctive landmark is The Dam, a treelined lake ,
an area of outstanding natural beauty , and a nature reserve which
was created in the early 1800s to form a road which is now the
busy A56. This is a focus for visitors from near and far and is
a great favourite for anglers. If you want to know more about
Lymm and its history
The Lymm and District Local History
Society which meets on the second Monday each month at 8pm in
the village hall, Pepper Street, Lymm.