Lymm Net

Cheapest Broadband

This page is dedicated to finding you the best and cheapest broadband deals on offer on the Internet today. Our team of experts have scoured the web high and low to look for the service providers that offer the best Broadband deals - not only in terms of price but in terms of quality of service and support.

Let our insider knowledge and years of experience with Broadband help you on the way to finding a great deal. We'll provide the recommendations - and the rest is up to you.

The current top 5

This list represents not only the cheapest but what we believe to be the best value Broadband deals in the UK today. Our team of experts have thoroughly tested the quality of each service. Take a look at their respective websites to decide which deal is cheapest for you.

  Provider Monthly Cost Install Fee Features Support  
Number 1 cheapest broadband


From £14.99 £FREE

***** Unbeatable!
- Up to 8MB!
- 250 MB webspace
- Unlimited email addresses
- Up to 2 free hosted domain names
- Online email, diary and addressbook
- Dedicated games server
The cheapest around

**** Excellent
- Local rate
- 24/7 around the clock
- Maybe it isn't free, but the quality of service is exceptional. People who actually care at the end of the phone. Loads of stuff on the website too. The best broadband offer
2 Seriously Internet From £14.99 £FREE cheap broadband Excellent
- 200 MB webspace
- Free upgrades to 8MB
- Free domain name
- Free static IP address
cheapest broadband Very good
- National rate
- Technical support email address
- FAQ for most common problems
3 Pipex £23.44 £58.75 cheaper broadband Could be more
- 50MB webspace
- Online email
low price broadband Excellent
- Free telephone support, business hours only
- Helpful at the end of the line.
4 Demon £24.99 £58.75 *** Average
- 20MB webspace
- Unlimited email addresses
*** Average
- Local rate
- 24/7 around the clock
- Limited in-depth knowledge
5 Clara £29.99 £58.75 **** Excellent
- 50MB webspace
- Unlimited email addresses
- Unrestriced newsgroups
*** Good
- Local rate
- 24/7 around the clock
- Dedicated technical support
Cheapest broadband deals, brought to you by

Top 5 last updated:

Site of the Month: - AV Shopper *****

Outstanding value and great service from AV Shopper. Their website offers the cheapest projectors, Plasma Screens, LCD/TV Monitors and interactive whiteboards for both personal and business use. Great website too, highly recommended for all your audio/visual needs. Visit

If you want to be listed in the directory, please contact us.


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Page last updated: Wednesday, 25 January, 2006