Lymm Old Students

Old Students' Fifty Club


The Fifty Club continues to prosper and we would like to thank all those who support us. The funds that the Fifty Club generates provide the income that enables the OSA to function. If you have been thinking of joining the Fifty Club but have yet to get round to it, just send a £10 cheque payable to "Lymm Old Students' Association" to David Nicholson (2 Oaklands Drive, Lymm, Warrington, WA13 ONF).

During the past year we have paid out £370 in prize money. Prize money for 2001-2002 has been increased to £500 (5 x £70 and 1 x £150)

Winners of the various draws were as follows:

Draw number 99: £20 Maurice Monks
£10 Kathleen Johnson
£10 Andy Watts
£10 Norman Crowder

Draw number 100: £20 Nicola Anderson
£10 Monica Connor
£10 Betty Kelsey
£10 Sue Pickersgill

Draw number 101: £20 Mike Olver
£10 Betty Kelsey
£10 Helen Bonser
£10 Marjorie Bell

Draw number 102: £50 Joan Pusey
£25 Brenda Grestey
£15 Catherine Bower
£10 Monica Connor

Draw number 103: £20 Catherine Bower
£20 Dorothy Platt
£10 Frank Taylor
£10 Kath Collin

Draw number 104: £25 Dorothy Platt
£20 Bob Brierley
£15 Marian Russell
£10 Geoff Hawley

Rambling Group
A BIG thank you to all the leaders of our monthly walks during the last twelve months. We have enjoyed a wide variety of routes within a range of approximately twenty miles of Lymm. Unfortunately the weather was not always kind and we did lose a couple of walks. Recently, towards the end of our programme, the outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease has inevitably curtailed our activities.
As the Newsletter goes to press, we are looking forward to our weekend at Llandudno at the beginning of April. Alas, we will probably be restricted to walking up and down the prom. But we'll have fun!




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Page last updated: Thursday, 8 May, 2003

Lymm Net ©1998-2001 : James Fox