Sherlock To Jonathan and Lisa, a son
Denton To Mark and Emma, a son
Deryk Bent
Many of us will well remember Deryk's tremendous contribution to the Association in designing the school swimming bath in the late forties and early fifties. [Deryk's widow, Jane, still has the original plans of the swimming bath and has offered to donate them to the Old Students' archives. If any old student living in the North West is travelling in the Paignton area and could collect them, the Committee would be grateful.]
Norman Thursby
Many of us were taught History by Elsie 'Titch' Wyles (Thursby). For many years Norman was a regular at the annual reunion and a loyal supporter of the '50 club'.
Geoffrey Holt
(1931-1939), PhD, DSc. Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry.
Geoffrey was a keen cricketer at school. He became a Senior Lecturer in Chemistry at UMIST and continued to work even after losing his sight. Many of his research students have paid tribute to his guidance as a tutor .
Kay Farquharson (Franks)
Pauline Fernyhough (Worgan)
Suzanne Hodgson (Lockett)
J. Lockett
C .W. Shaw
Pamela Webster
H. Whitelegg
Irene Amison (Nee Jackson)
David Boucher and Nicola Thornbury