Lymm Old Students

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held at the School on Wednesday, 12th September at 7.30 p.m.

1. President's welcome
2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the AGM 2000
4. Reports:

5. Election of officials:
Newsletter Sub-Committee

6. Golf Competition, 2001
7. '50' Club Draw
8. Any other business
9. Date of first committee meeting

Money Matters

THE DAYS of fund-raising events to cover Association running costs have long since gone. We are fortunate in enjoying the good support from our 'fifty club' members, giving us adequate cover for our expenses. We are truly indebted to David Nicholson, who has run this club since it began.
Now that all school-leavers are given automatic membership of the OSA, there is no necessity to tout for members nor to demand œ2 for Life Membership.
These most recent leavers will not receive a hard copy of the Newsletter through the post. They will ,of course, find the Newsletter and lots more besides on the OSA website. After this year our main item of expenditure, the Newsletter, will disappear.
We will need to meet the costs of the website, but we expect this to amount to only a fraction of current expenses.
I am happy to report that our financial position is sound.




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Page last updated: Thursday, 8 May, 2003

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